Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Believe in Yourself

I will remember that I can do anything I set my mind to
I can achieve any goal, ful fiIll any desire, and
each any star I will look toward tomorrow With the
conviction that I can make it better. I will know that a
brighter future is within my reach.. as long as I have
the strength to keep trying, the courage to keep striving.
and the confidence to keep believing in myself.

As you go on in this world, keep looking
forward to the future. . . to all you might be, As
far as who you are and who you will become
goes ~the answer is always within yourself
Believe in yourself. Follow your heart and your
dreams. You like everyone else — will make
mistakes. But as long as you are true to the
strength within your own heart. . you can
never go wrong

ashley rice

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